
Logos specialises in Catholic retreats for young people. We believe that retreats provide; formation, a lived and integrated experience of faith, new perspectives that challenge the norm, and a space for transformation. We aim to provide young people with a space for reflection and growth, connection with others, and a more profound sense of their faith.
Taking young people to a different place physically and psychologically provides young people with a unique learning environment. At the end of a Logos retreat experience, young people will walk away feeling affirmed, encouraged, and renewed. Our dynamic retreats include creative prayer, experiential learning and reflective practice.

Year 7


"In Christ, we form one body and every member belongs to all the others." Rom 12:5
We explore the innate human desire to belong to something greater than us. We look beyond "fitting in" and "seeking approval", which are often the barriers to true belonging. Instead, true belonging comes from knowing our identity and who we are in God. Young people will leave this retreat affirmed and empowered in who they are and encouraged to grow in their relationships with one another.

Year 8


"There before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language". Rev 7:9
Often our differences create distance between forming loving relationships. God created us to be diverse people. Diversity can be seen within all creation. Throughout this retreat, young people will be encouraged to embrace their difference and uniqueness as a strength and an essential aspect of appreciating one another. Young people will leave this retreat knowing difference unites us, and acceptance leads us to a deeper understanding of God's love.

Year 9


"It would be absurd to suggest that someone go into a room she is already in!" Teresa of Ávila
Life is more than achievements, possessions and social media "friends". We are invited to a spiritual journey that helps us become more aware of God within us. As we grow deeper in our faith, we realise that we discover our true selves in Gods unconditional love. When we begin to understand this, we can draw our energy from this love. Young people will leave this retreat feeling grounded and a renewed connection with themselves and others.

Year 10


"Ki te wātea te hinengaro, me te kaha rere o te wairua, ka tāea ngā mea katoa."
"When the mind is free and the spirit is willing, anything is possible."
This can be a challenging time for adolescents, as they figure out how to cope with social, peer and school pressures. Resilence is staying grounded in knowing God never leaves us. Building resilience will help young people become their best selves and reach their full potential. Cultivating hope and a positive mindset is vital in building resilience. Young people will walk away with this retreat with an increased understanding of their strengths and values. In addition, they will have a more profound sense of hope for their lives.

Year 11


"It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we're living for." Eph 1:11
We live in a hyper-connected world, and social media is a toxic vehicle to compare our lives with others. However, self-worth is more than "Am I good enough". While self-esteem can change by external influences, our self worth never changes. Practicing self-compassion is essential in gently easing our critical inner voice. Young people will walk away equipped to navigate this confusing culture and a restored sense of who they are.

Year 12


"You are not making a gift of your possessions to the poor person. You are handing over to them what is theirs" Saint Ambrose
Most of us want to make some difference in the world—our search for meaning in our quest to find our purpose. Our faith invites us to see we belong to each other. Catholic social teaching guides us on how we can live out our faith in the world. Young people will develop their sense of empathy and compassion, walk away with practical ways to serve and care for others and tools to care for their wellbeing.

Year 13


"For i know the plans i have for you" Jer 29:11
Transitions can be daunting; change invites us to something new and unfamiliar. As young people begin the transition from secondary education into society, they need to have an opportunity to pause and reflect on the journey so far. This retreat provides seniors with time to celebrate with each other and offer gratitude to their school community and each other. Young people will leave this retreat with a strong sense of community and empowered to thrive into the emerging future.

All ages

Overnight Retreats

We offer a small selection of specialised overnight retreats. Overnight retreats provide a liminal experience. They provide opportunities for growth and often lead to ultimate transformative experience for those participating.

These are not available at Whānau Maria (Logos centre). We recommend Willow Park Christian Camp In Eastern Beach as a venue as it has all the facilities you need, full catering and accommodation options. We have delivered over 100 retreats at Willow Park with several colleges, including our annual Salt & Light Retreat for Year 13 Leaders.

Salt and Light Retreat

Inter school Year 13 Leadership Retreat

"You are the salt of the earth, the light of the world" Matthew 5:13
Serving your college at Year 13 is both a privilege and a challenge. This leadership retreat prepares young leaders for their roles in the school and community. Over three days, young people from the various schools are fed, pushed, and inspired in all aspects related to servant leadership. Each leader will explore, develop, and express their leadership style, including their talents and utilising teamwork. In addition, leaders will reflect on their aspirations and their ability to role model.
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Thanks again for being part of this journey. 😊