
The Logos Project is a registered charitable trust. Every single dollar matters to us, and we will make a good use of your financial donations, big or small. we appreciate any support.
Logos is a not-for-profit organisation that relies on the generous donations of our partners and donors
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As another option bank transfer to:

The Marist Youth Ministry Trust 06-0153-0261527-00.


You’d be surprised by the things we use in our daily work – not just stationery, office chairs, paper and coffee, but abseiling ropes, food, candles, arts and crafts materials and a lot of pens!If you’ve got something useful you think we could use, either as a one-off or regular donation, then please contact us and speak to one of our staff.
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Your support helps us connect with over 10,000 young people each year, creating a strong, intergenerational community. Together, we’re making a real difference, and we couldn’t do it without you!

Thanks again for being part of this journey. 😊